Be Active

Physical activity can help your kids and family feel better right away with better sleep, better mood, and better grades!

How much physical activity do you need in a week?  How do you get started?  How do you get your family involved? 

Learn all about it below.

Healthy Aging

The benefits of regular physical activity occur throughout life and are essential for healthy aging.

Find out more

Active Kids

Teach kids to be active from a young age.  Regular physical activity is good for so many reasons!

Start Learning!

Move More as a Family

Being active as a family can benefit everyone. Adults need 150 minutes a week of physical activity, and children need 60 minutes a day.

Start Moving!

Truckee Meadows Parks Directory

All of the parks in Reno, Sparks and Washoe County, filter by amenity or search by location. The parks and outdoor spaces are a great way to engage in Physical Activity that is free and accessible to everyone.

Get Outside!