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How to Save Money on Drinks Without Sacrificing Taste or Nutrition

Food and drinks are the third largest expense for most households, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Without sacrificing taste or nutrition, the Rethink Your Drink team has some suggestions to help your family save money. Keep reading to learn more.

Choose tap water: Water that comes from the faucet is best for your wallet and the environment. Drinking tap water costs only a few cents per day compared to a few dollars for bottled water. These savings can add up to hundreds of dollars over the year! Tap water is typically safe and must be tested at least once each year. To help your family choose tap water more often:

  • Keep a covered pitcher of water in the refrigerator
  • Buy reusable containers that can be refilled at school or when you leave home
  • Serve your family water with meals and snacks.

Choose conventional milk: Organic milk can cost over twice the amount as conventional (non-organic) milk at the grocery store. The term ‘organic’ refers to the way food is produced, but both have the same nine essential nutrients. Whatever option your family chooses, you can rest assured that both options are nutritious and safe.

Choose ‘store brand’ items: When it comes to drinks, like milk or 100% juice, the store brand, or generic brand of the item is usually 15-30% lower in price compared to a recognized brand name. Often times, generic brands have the same ingredients. Some are even produced at the same location as the brand name item. Over time, buying these generic items can add up to big savings!

Make drinks at home:  Nevada Rethink Your Drink recipes, available for FREE on our website, feature sugar-free recipes using seasonal fruits, vegetables, and herbs to naturally flavor water or milk. Many of these costs only a few cents/serving. Download or pick up your recipe cards at a grocery store near you today.