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Physical Activity for All Women

Physical activity is important for all women throughout their lives. Read on for ways you can change your physical activity routine to fit your needs based on your age, stage of life, or physical abilities. Any physical activity is better than no physical activity. The Physical Activity Guidelines can help you plan how much physical activity to do each week. Learn ways to get started and talk to your doctor or nurse about how to fit physical activity into your life.

Carrying extra weight can make moving around much more difficult. Start slowly by moving more around your home. Try doing stretches or lifting weights while watching TV. You can lift cans of food, jugs of water, or other household items as weights.

Walking in a safe place near where you live is a great way to begin getting more exercise or physical activity for women of any age or shape. You don’t need special clothes or sports equipment, just comfortable walking shoes. Start with 10-minute walks at a comfortable pace (you can still breathe normally and talk while walking) at least three days a week. Add more minutes of walking and increase how fast you walk as your body gets used to the activity.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Get moving at home. You don’t have to leave your house to be active. Try a free on-demand workout video, a free online workout video, or a DVD from your local library.
  • Choose activities like swimming or riding a stationary bike if your feet or joints hurt when you stand. These activities put less stress on your joints because your legs are not supporting the weight of your body. Ask your doctor or nurse for help in coming up with a physical activity plan that is right for you.
  • Physical activity does not have to be hard or boring to be good for you. Anything that gets you moving — even for only a few minutes a day — is a great start. Being physically active on a regular basis can make a big difference in your health.